Bush fought Saddam Hussein. Obama fought Osama bin Laden. Trump brought us to the point of one American death per minute.
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Corona meme from CoronaTexts.com
Bush fought Saddam Hussein. Obama fought Osama bin Laden. Trump brought us to the point of one American death per minute.
Get up-to-date COVID-19 statistics at worldometers.info.
Corona meme from CoronaTexts.com
What an ass.
This Trump caption game was made with the Captionable app for iOS.
Thanks to a visitor for memeing Eric Trump on Hannity. We'll file this Trump meme under "Scary."
June 6, 2017 -- Eric Trump stated on the FOX show Hannity that those who criticize his father "aren't people."
Fun Facts About Eric Trump:
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In March 2017, Donald Trump seemed to repeatedly ignore requests to shake the hand of Angela Merkel. The occasion was their first official meeting as world leaders... so his refusal was a political "eff you."
After ignoring requests to shake Angela Merkel's hand, Donald Trump requested of the media, "Send a good picture back to Germany, please. Make sure."
The Trump Merkel handshake incident took place in the context of disagreements over trade. Merkel favors so-called "free trade" while Trump has protectionist plans.
Donald Trump is firing democracy... bigly!
Just a sampling of his recent management decisions:
This Trump meme pairs well with our "Twitler" image.
Share 'em while you still can.
Pre-meme image by DonkeyHotey
Photo by Gage Skidmore modified with Creative Commons license
Seinfeld made us laugh with the nickname "Soup Nazi." But in general, comparing someone to Hitler is serious s#it.
These are serious times.
In 1990 - long before he promised to round up millions of people for removal - Donald Trump admitted to Vanity Fair that he kept a book of Adolf Hitler's speeches. Ivana told the magazine that Trump kept the book near his bedside and occasionally read it at night.
Maybe Trump isn't so much a Hitler, but more a Mussolini?
In any case, any pic of Trump is a fascist or wannabe dictator pic... a "dic pic," if you will.
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